on the contrary

Un article de Wikiccionari.



on the contrary

  1. au contra
  • exemples:
He didn’t seem at all upset at being almost knocked to the ground. On the contrary, his face split into a wide smile [...][1]
Non semblava pas briga emocionat per quauqu'un qui s'èra pensat càder. Au contra, que hasó un gran arridolet [...][2]


  1. J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 1997, ed. 1998, Scholastic Press, Nòva York, ISBN 0-590-35340-3, cap. 1, p. 5
  2. Karina Richard Bòrdanava (trad.), Harry Potter e la pèira filosofau, 2009, per noste, Ortès, ISBN 978-2-86866-069-5, p. 7